Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Eat Your Fruit and Veggies

For as long as I have paid attention to food news, the news has always been eat FIVE servings of fruits and vegetables a day. This past week a new medical study detailed 4 components, that combined, where shown to help people live 14 years longer. Don't smoke, exercise, drink very moderately and - EAT FIVE A DAY!

So, my goal each day is to at least offer fruits and veggies at every meal. Its also part of our eat more local food plan. It seems like such a simple change to make, and yet, because more prep work is involved, these foods often go uneaten. If I can go out of my way to make a special trip to See's Candies for a Scotchmallow - I certainly can take extra minutes to cut up carrot sticks for lunches or steam broccoli for dinner. Right?

1 comment:

amanda jane said...

amen, sister. I am TRYING to commit - you are inspiring change somewhere in me. keep it up, please!