Saturday, January 12, 2008

This Week for Dinner

I was blog surfing and came across a woman who posts her weekly menu for friends and family to comment on. Her site, inspired me to renew my efforts at my food blog and to get things rolling again.

To start, here is what is for dinner at my house this week:

Saturday - Hunter's Chicken with fried polenta
The sauce for this turned out really well because I used fresh rosemary from our garden. The flavor and scent was nicely infused. The chicken on the other hand was too tough. It had been frozen for too long. Also, I find that if you are going to braise chicken, it is better to use meat on the bone rather than boneless.

Sunday: Green Curry with sticky rice - Douglas' specialty

Monday: Sitr-fry with tofu and broccoli served over rice

Tuesday: Leftovers, salad

Wednesday: Crockpot Paella with chicken and sausage
A side of green beans

Thursday: Leftovers
This is PTA night and a baby shower afterward

Friday: Quesadillas, rice, salad

Now its your turn - what do you have planned?


Chelsea said...

Michele, you put me to shame! All those dishes sound amazing. If I could cook (and I can't) I would steal all your recipes. Our week looks something like this:

Sunday: Breakfast burritos, made with egg whites, salsa, guacamole, pepper jack cheese, and onion. We buy those yummy tortillas at Costco that you cook yourself.

Monday: More breakfast burritos

Tuesday: More breakfast burritos...just kidding! Probably spaghetti, salad, and fresh bread to dip in olive oil w/ balsamic vinegar.

Wednesday: TBA
Thursday: TBA
Friday: TBA get the idea :)

My only saving grace (as a non-cook) is that Kate seems to like vegetables. Fruit is hit or miss.

Have a delicious week!

Potters said...

What is green curry? And who is the chick in the photo?

Michele said...

You don't recognize me dressed up as Juliette Binoche?

Green Curry is a wonderful Thai dish. It is made with coconut milk which is cooked down to perfection then you add Thai curry paste, seranos, chicken, peas and green peppers. Serve with rice. Spicy savoriness - soo good.